Le Conseil mondial de l'eau (World Water Council) est une organisation internationale de plate-forme multipartite, dont la mission est de mobiliser des actions sur les questions critiques de l'eau à tous les niveaux, y compris au plus haut niveau de décision, en engageant les gens dans le débat et en remettant en question la pensée conventionnelle. Le Conseil se concentre sur les dimensions politiques de la sécurité, de l'adaptation et de la durabilité de l'eau. Le Conseil mondial de l'eau aborde les nombreux problèmes auxquels la sécurité de l'eau est confrontée et cherche à remettre en question les conventions et à générer de nouvelles idées comme force de changement. Les jeunes délégués n…
El Consejo Mundial del Agua (World Water Council) es una organización de plataforma internacional de múltiples partes interesadas, cuya misión es movilizar la acción sobre problemas críticos del agua en todos los niveles, incluido el nivel más alto de toma de decisiones, involucrando a las personas en el debate y desafiando el pensamiento convencional. El Consejo se centra en las dimensiones políticas de la seguridad hídrica, la adaptación y la sostenibilidad. El Consejo Mundial del Agua aborda los muchos problemas que enfrenta la seguridad hídrica y busca desafiar las convenciones y generar nuevas ideas como una fuerza para el cambio. Los delegados juveniles designados por la Junta de Gober…
Initiative for implementing water and sanitation as a fundamental human right in the Constitution of Macedonia.…
The Rights of water Campaign was launched by Alberto Tiraferri, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino (Italy). The main goal of the Campaign is to draft a Declaration of Water Rights to grant specific rights to water, and to consider it as a subject with ontological value, not as a mere object. Other than drafting the Declaration of Water rights, we hope to promote a new ecological and civil culture to discipline once again the relationship between water and human beings, thus deconstructing the idea that man is the owner of water, a belief that has long justified an abuse and improper use of the water element. Thanks to the work of Professor Alberto Tiraferri and of the philosopher L…
The objectives of this research are: (1) to improve access on safe and clean drinking water for the rural area, (2) to analyze water utility for every household, (3) to enhance women’s participation in water management, (4) to analyze women’s participation on water management system through operate water treatment system. The output of this research is developing a portable drinking water treatment system in the rural area, The study area of research was conducted in Sungai Rengas Village in West Borneo, Indonesia.…
Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum was officially launched in 1997 by a small group of interested people from government and non-government institutions. Its vision is: “Leading the nation in rain water harvesting technology, construction and utilization to sustain water needs.” Its mission is: “Promote , create awareness and build capacity on rain water harvesting technology through facilitating,…
Community-based organization of civil society, working for the construction of peace through environmental conservation, decarbonization against climate change and sustainable development. Aims to support different innovative projects, involving local communities in a meaningful way, to develop the Action Campaign for the Sustainable Development Goals.…
The Indonesian Green Action Forum (IGAF) is a national ecological platform which engages children, youths, and local communities to take actions for sustainable environment. This platform has engaged more than 3000 Indonesia people (children, youths, and local communities) for actualizing ecological initiatives into actions. This platform has executed more than 60 kinds of eco-projects financed by the United Nations agencies, and now is progressing on water and sanitation issues.…
Did you know that by the year 2050 more than 5,000 million people will live in areas with water shortages? And also that 1 million plastic bottles are discarded every minute? Based on the appropriate technology and environmental education, our project is a contribution to the challenges related to water safety in the world and the reuse of plastic bottles. The implementation of the systems Ekomuro H2O + zen schools, universities, businesses, and social housing will undoubtedly generate a change of attitude in the water saving culture. Each module recovers 162 liters of rainwater for cleaning, irrigation of orchards and discharge of toilets. From the Ekomuro H2O + project, an innovative rainw…
The Extreme Rainfall Detection System (ERDS), developed and implemented by ITHACA, is a service for the monitoring and forecasting of exceptional rainfall events, with nearly global geographic coverage. This system is conceived to be a strategic tool, providing complete, immediate and intuitive information about potential flood events, to be used during the preparedness and response phases of the emergency cycle. The extreme rainfall detection methodology is based on the concept of threshold. A threshold represents the amount of precipitation needed to trigger a flood event induced by extreme rainfall. Specifically, if for a selected aggregation interval the accumulated precipitation exceeds…
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