The role of Indonesia’s women in the management of water resources is very low due to lack of knowledge, skills, education, capital, and health services. Therefore, the sustainable development of water resources management can be achieved by considering the balance access for male and female through gender mainstreaming in the management of water resources. The objectives of this research are: (1) to improve access on safe and clean drinking water for rural area, (2) to analyze water utility for every household, (3) to enhance women’s participation in water management, (4) to analyze women’s participation on water management system through operate water treatment system. The output of this research is developing a portable drinking water treatment system in rural area, The study area of research was conducted in Sungai Rengas Village in West Borneo, Indonesia with total area 453,13 Km2 and 23.537 inhabitants. The research method used the combination both of quantitative and qualitative method. The portable water treatment system used organic materials as filters i.e sand, gravel, fibers and charcoal. The parameter was investigated on this research such as total dissolved solid, pH, DO and water temperature. Identification of women’s participation in water management system used SWOT analysis. Data analysis in this method used External Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) for external strategic factors containing an opportunity and a threat to the sustainability of the project. To analyze the internal factors which contain strength and weaknesses in this study used Internal Strategic Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS). The result of the parameter investigation showed that the organic filters and solar power able to provide clean drinking water for household. The result of the survey showed that approximately 56% women commit to involving on water supply management with the composed group of 60 female participants responsible for simple water treatment system in 12 households on Sungai Rengas village. The workshop questionnaires showed that all participants very satisfy with the workshop and can apply the information of water treatment system for their household. Effective communication with local leader and community led success to advocate women participatory and leadership in water supply management. SWOT analysis leads to the Strength-Opportunities (SO) strategy by the development of water treatment system with women’s participation in management for a low-income community to increase awareness between economy and water availability in Indonesia. 11