Fundación Plurales

Safe Affordable Drinking Water
Fundación Plurales
Start / End Date:

Fundación Plurales supports, guides, and accompanies individuals and groups in the various dimensions of a free, solidary, integral, inclusive, and multidimensional human development, with the mission of influencing socially and politically, generating tools for different actors to engage in their public participation.

Main Category: Safe & Affordable Drinking Water
Secondary Categories: Protect & Restore Water Related Ecosystems
Organization Type: Philantrophy or Foundation
Scope of the Work done: National
Active Regions: South America
Sustainable Development Goals: Clean Water and Sanitation, Climate Action, Life on Land, and Reduced Inequality
Target group of the Project: Both


Philantrophy or Foundation
Social Media

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.

Submitted by:

YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.