IAHR-BW (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research – Baden Württemberg)

International Cooperation Capacity Building
IAHR-BW (International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research – Baden Württemberg)
IAHR, the International Association of Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research, particularly promotes the advancement and exchange of knowledge through working groups, specialty symposia, congresses, and publications on water resources, river and coastal hydraulics, risk analysis, energy, environment, disaster prevention, industrial processes. Among the variety of activities which are undertaken to achieve their mission are:
– Organizing events: congresses, specialty conferences, workshops and continuing education courses
– Technical meetings through our Sections
– Regional meetings through our Regional Divisions
– European Engineering Graduate School Environment Water: IAHR-EGW, Stuttgart
– Participation in international programs such as UNESCO, WMO and ICSU
– Promotion of student activities
– Publications
– Student and Professional social activities
The IAHR-BW is dedicated to promote students activates and to facilitate their communication with young water professionals worldwide and internationally renowned researchers. Furthermore, the IAHR-BW is including former members and friends who have now proceeded in their professional career, thus creating a powerful academic network, simplifying the step from university into profession for their members.
Main Category: Expand Internation Cooperation & Capacity-building
Secondary Categories: Disaster Risk Reduction
Organization Type: Civil Society Organization
Scope of the Work done: International and National
Active Regions: Worldwide
Target group of the Project: Youth


Civil Society Organization
Social Media

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.