A community finds its strength in its shared beliefs, traditions, practices, etc. and thus, disregarding it while striving towards disaster resilient sustainable development makes no sense at all.
The objective of this project is to “incorporate the dimension of cultural heritage in the contemporary approaches of community-based disaster risk management (CBDRM) and establish that CBDRM is not merely limited to disaster response”.
The envisaged outcome of the project is to foster capacity building by ‘designing a hand-book for the decision-makers in the government as well as the young professionals, focussing on the true potential of cultural heritage in CBDRM approaches which is not restricted to merely disaster response but overarchingly inculcates the idea of using cultural heritage for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation’.
The project is based in Assam, India; where the impact of floods is huge and every year people have to suffer a lot due to the floods.