WASH Webinar Series

Sanitation Hygiene
WASH Webinar Series
Water Youth Network
Start / End Date:

The Wash and Technologies working group within the water youth network has, for the past 6 months, been focused on capacity building as their main activity. As part of this, the group strives to hold monthly webinars on topics which are of interest to group members. The webinars are open to anyone and are published externally on Water Youth Network communication channels (website, facebook etc).

Main Category: Sanitation & Hygiene
Secondary Categories: Expand Internation Cooperation & Capacity-building
Organization Type: Non-Governmental Organization
Scope of the Work done: International
Active Regions: Worldwide
Target group of the Project: Youth


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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.