Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Youth Club – The WASH Club

International Cooperation Capacity Building
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Youth Club – The WASH Club

The WASH Club is a youth club in Ghana, Cape Coast to be precise which provides voluntary services in the Water and Sanitation sector to public in the country. The club was started in 2016 and is made up of a team of talented and motivated students who work towards the betterment and the improvement of livelihoods of the populace.

Main Category: Expand Internation Cooperation & Capacity-building
Secondary Categories: Expand Internation Cooperation & Capacity-building and Sanitation & Hygiene
Organization Type: Non-Governmental Organization


Non-Governmental Organization
Social Media

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.

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YouKnoW! is a virtual space for collaboration founded on collective wisdom towards today’s water challenges. It’s an online centralized dynamic database where youth-led organizations are able to connect with a vibrant community. Just with the click of a mouse on our interactive world map, you will have access to knowledge from projects aimed at solving water issue & sharing of successful and innovative water practices. If you want to learn more about YouKnoW! please read our Community Guide.